Some items purchased on AliExpress are not eligible for return due to their specific nature. Here are the categories of non-returnable products:
Perishable Products
- Fresh and frozen foods
- Dairy products and eggs
- Bakery products
Digital Products
Tickets, vouchers, and services
Items with specific conditions:
- Items from which the original labels have been removed
- Items with broken seals or unauthorized modifications
- Items lacking serial numbers
- Items requiring installation or already installed
- Products classified as hazardous materials or using flammable substances
- Items emitting an unpleasant odor
- Items with signs of use
Specialized Products
- Mystery boxes, branded boxes, or surprise boxes
- Custom-made or made-to-order products
- Virtual goods (electronic vouchers)
- Precious metals (gold, silver, etc.)
- Valuable jewelry (diamonds, emeralds, etc.)
- Fresh flowers and live plants
- Bulk items (furniture)